Sunday, March 2, 2008

Study shows that people perceive wine to taste better when they think it's expensive

I'm so glad I wasn't a part of this study:

The subjects consistently reported that the more expensive wines tasted better, even when they were actually identical to cheaper wines.

The experiment was even more unusual because it was conducted inside a scanner...that allowed the scientists to see how the subjects' brains responded to each wine. When subjects were told they were getting a more expensive wine, they observed more activity in a part of the brain known to be involved in our experience of pleasure.

I definitely would have been waxing eloquent about how much more complex and rich the supposedly "expensive" wine was, only to find out later that it was identical to the cheap wine.


Damien Fisher said...

Oh, you'd be okay as long as none of it was plastic.

Jennifer @ Conversion Diary said...

This is true. It could be worse. Although I pride myself on having reached a level of wine sophistication these days that I can distinguish plastic wine from real wine 80% of the time.