Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Language and the Eucharist

Annafirtree has a fascinating post about two German words for "body" (one for which there is no equivalent in the English language), and the insight the two understandings of "body" can give us into the Eucharist:

I find this highly important, in the German language, the Eucharist is not called Körper. It is called Leib. [...]

So what is Leib? What is this concept, which has not entered our language or thinking? If someone says that it is "more than just the muscles/cells/molecules of our body", that sounds to an American like it means "soul". Yet Germans have another word for soul: Seele. Leib is something physical, but not as we normally think of physical. It is more than what we usually think of as body, but it is not something on the spiritual plane.

Read the rest.

1 comment:

Melanie Bettinelli said...

That is fascinating. I've heard that German is a language that is better suited to theology than English, that's one reason my sister chose to major in it.