Saturday, March 1, 2008

Parenting and decor: a dilemma

I found this article in the New York Times amusing, especially since my husband and I bought all our furniture before we had kids, and are finding that it's not really very childproof (white couch, three kids ages three and under -- we should buy stock in Resolve). Anyway, I thought it was a fun read.

via Stepmomologue

1 comment:

Eliz said...

We bought our furniture when we were childless, too. Our only child isn't a very destructive toddler, so it's holding up fine, but we'll see how things look after another child or two.

Did you read some of the responses to that NYT story on other Catholic blogs? Some people had an absolute field day, being disgusted and calling the decor snobs in the story vile and reprehensible. I know they were responding more to the secular, pro-contraception attitude that children are messy and inconvenient and at odds with all that is clean and pristine (which, yes, is a lamentable state of affairs), but there might have been some overreacting going on.