Thursday, March 6, 2008

Pope Benedict on conversion

"To be converted" is not to seek after one's own success, not to seek after one's own prestige, one's position. "To be converted" means to stop constructing a personal image, not to work at constructing a monument to oneself, which could often end up becoming a false god. "To be converted" means accepting the suffering of truth. Conversion demands that truth, faith, love become not in a general way, but day by day, in the little things, more important than our physical life or than comfort, success, prestige, and tranquility in our lives. In fact, success, prestige, tranquility and ease are those false gods which largely impede truth and true progress in private and in public life. By accepting this priority of truth we follow the Lord, we take up our cross and share in cultivating love, which is to Cultivate the Cross.

--Pope Benedict XVI, Journey to Easter

via Catholic Mom

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