Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Catholic woman's experience with IVF

A very interesting post from Anne Marie about her experience with IVF before she returned to the Catholic Church:

I was never really quite comfortable with IVF although I could not put my finger on why. It began to come into focus as we sat in the doctor’s office and she pressured us to sign a form to allow for selective reduction. I wouldn't do it, but we told her we would think about it. I could not believe that a doctor who knew I had lost every one of my pregnancies would ask me to abort my children. I was stunned, and she would not do the IVF with out us signing the form.

1 comment:

Anne Marie said...

Hi Jen:

Thanks for linking to me. I didn't realize you had until today.

I kinda blew out my other little blog. The whole Family by God thing was a bit painful, since the family is just me and Hubby no matter how hard I try. Anyhow, I put the IVF thing back up here.