Friday, December 14, 2007

Problem #836 with our culture's view of children as lifestyle accessories

People are surprised when parenthood is challenging:

My husband and I had six blissful years together before Tony was born, years of intimate dinners and holidays with lots of strolling hand-in-hand down cobbled streets soaking up the culture of some delightful foreign city. [...]

[A]fter all those years of trying for a baby and finally achieving my goal, his arrival made me somehow unhappier than I had been before.


Courageous Grace said...

I kind of liked the article, actually. It seems to me that society and media tend to show all the glory of motherhood and we set ourselves up for disappointment which leads to postpartum depression. I liked that the author expressed an honest view that explains how that disappointment can affect someone.

Literacy-chic said...

That may be, but the point remains that more exposure to children of all ages on a daily basis means more reality and less fantasy in anticipating children, and less disappointment when faced with challenges. By contrast, I was the oldest of 6 children and didn't have time with just my husband & I and yet we're happy with ourselves, each other, and our 3 little ones!