Thursday, May 8, 2008

Worshipping God in truth, love and beauty

Barbara excerpts some eloquent thoughts on beauty and worship:

When a visitor comes into our worship, he might not see what we're looking at—in this case, not a bird in a treetop, but God in His heaven...He sees candlelight flickering on the gold of icons, and hears the bells on the censer. He tastes the antidoron, smells the incense, and is greeted by other worshippers with the kiss of peace. Every one of his senses is affected. Maybe he doesn't yet see the Lord we worship, but he see us, and sees that we see something; that we are being held rapt by the presence of something awesome, terrible, beautiful. He can tell that something is going on. And that mysterious beauty is a hook that pulls people further in.

Read the rest here.

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