Friday, May 16, 2008

Science & Faith: Different Ways of Knowing

A great post from Darwin from a while back:

Certainly, since the Big Bang is our current understanding of the physical origins of the universe, and since it has a certain "in principio" dramatic flair to it, we Christians tend to strongly identify the moment of creation with the Big Bang. However, if in another few decades some compelling piece of evidence were to come along for an oscillating universe or for some completely other cosmological model, I don't think one would be right in any way to say that the Christian understanding has been "disproved". While faith and science both provide us with knowledge about the origins on the universe, they provide us with very different kinds of knowledge.

Read the rest here.

1 comment:

Samuel Skinner said...

Faith is about belief above evidence
evidence is about... well, reality before opinion. So there are different ways of knowing the same way astrology is a different way of doing astronomy.