Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Love is what life is about

Erin Henderson, a mother of 11 and international adoption advocate, tells a beautiful, touching story of the moment that each of her adopted children understood that she was their mother. She says of her four-month-old daughter from Vietnam:

I walked away from the bed where she was laying to get a bottle for her, and she made this teeny tiny pitiful (feeble attempt at a) cry, and I rushed over and picked her up and offered her the bottle. She got this look of amazement on her face with a little smile that seemed to say, "Holy cow! You mean that crying thing WORKS with you??" and after that she did not want anyone but me and always wanted me close. She got it. I was there for her. I was her mom.

Read the whole thing.

1 comment:

Eliz said...

I've had these moment over and over with my daughter, and they're nothing short of miraculous every time. I may never know what meeting a child I just delivered is like, but I feel I get to experience that moment every time my daughter realizes I am her mom.