Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Lust leads to desire for immediate gratification in other areas of life

This is a very interesting study:

[Study authors] found that the desire for immediate rewards increased in men who touched bras, looked at pictures of beautiful women, or watched video clips of young women in bikinis running through a park.

"It seems that sexual appetite causes a greater urgency to consume anything rewarding," the authors suggest. Thus, the activation of sexual desire appears to spill over into other brain systems involved in reward-seeking behaviors, even the cognitive desire for money.

"After they touched a bra, men are more likely to be content with a smaller immediate monetary reward...Prior exposure to sexy stimuli may influence the choice between chocolate cake or fruit for dessert."

From a Christian perspective, it's interesting to see that controlling feelings of lust as we're called to do could lead to benefits in other areas of life as well.

via Evangelical Outpost

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