Saturday, February 9, 2008

Tradition and Lent

I enjoyed reading this post from Remember Thou Art Dust, a Lentent blog of the Church of the Apostles. An excerpt:

One of the many saving virtues of [respecting tradition] is that, if we make the effort to honor our parents, natural or spiritual, we reap the reward that comes from being forced actually to try something—like observing Lent—that we would otherwise, in our vast wisdom and experience, dismiss out of hand. [...]

If I offer even a grudging respect for tradition, my willingness to submit and obey opens a door for God to shape me. It's the opposite of looking for an experience tailored to what I think I want. I'm old enough now to recognize that I rarely know what's best for me. The things that will make me a better and happier person are not what I would choose on my own.

Read the rest here.

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