Monday, October 22, 2007

Dumbledore was gay? Seriously?

Must homosexuality be discussed everywhere, all the time?

Evidently the answer is yes: J. K. Rowling Reveals Potter Mentor Was Into Wizards, Not Witches

via Metafilter


Sarah Reinhard said...

And how about how they quote one fan as saying they were "insanely proud" of Rowling for doing that? As if it is the BEING gay that is the big deal (and not the acting on it)...but I am ahead of myself. Don't know if you read Flying Stars or not, but Nancy Brown (Catholic author) wrote about this the other day on her blog, here.

Allie said...

Whether you are gay or not, it isn't a big deal. Why does it matter if Dumbledore is into the wizards? Well it does start to pose a problem if they are underage, but still. In my blog i am covering this huge contriversal issue. Check it out!

P.S. I think you are roally going some where with you blog!