Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The beauty of a day structured around prayer

After reading about my reckless experiment with prayer, Veronica on the Verge reports of her own experience of praying the Liturgy of the Hours:

My anchors are now the prayers that are implanted throughout my day. I am no longer running in scattered circles, from cleaning up breakfast to starting laundry to dressing the kiddos to dressing myself and back to breakfast, and the reckless-mom-cycle continued all day long until I collapsed on the couch utterly disgusted with myself because nothing got done, and I was exhausted.

Now, my days are broken into "before prayer" and "after prayer." I, too, light candles at the start of evening and stop my work (except nighttime routine) and the children love the lit candles. It brings a sort of calmness upon our home and a completion to the day.

That is a perfect encapsulation of my experience as well. I am thrilled to hear that it works for others as well!

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